This is a very special announcement. For the last several months we have been working on a brand new platform that changes the way you engage with your audience. It brings in a brand new technology engine for EasyWebinar which includes HD Video and Surround Sound Audio. In fact, it seems the more presenters you […]
From 15k to a Million Dollars a Year (The Roller Coaster Journey)
This post is essentially the the road that I’ve traveled from 15k a year to a million dollar business. In it I share the realities of what it takes to run an online business and the one assertion and the one strategy that got me where I am today. Putting all the pieces together for running […]
With a Full Time Family and Job [14k From One Webinar]
You are my hero. The reason I say that is because, anyone who can support a family, have a full time job, and still work towards their dreams no matter what the odds, shows such resilience, determination and courage, that they deserve a medal of honor, or become the next President of some awesome Country! […]
A Strategy for Launching Your Physical Products Online Using The Power of Periscope & EasyWebinar
Yesterday I spoke at the If you’ve never heard of, they’re a company that has a big and active community of more than 20k+ Amazon sellers…and this weekend was their big LIVE EVENT. In fact, there were about two thousand attendees either actively selling Amazon products or new excited folks looking for solid strategies for […]
The 3 V’s for Sustaining a Tribe
I’ve been consuming a lot of podcasts recently because I’m putting out a podcast about webinars called “The Webinar Lab.” One particular person I’ve been listening to is Chalene Johnson, who has a podcast called “Build Your Tribe.” Now, as someone who has a brand called “Tribeminded”, I’m very interested in Chalene because of the […]
How to Create Stunning YouTube Banners
Often when uploading images into YouTube for banners or other YouTube designs, you may find that your images become distorted and just do not look all that great. I’ve been using, a free online photo editor, to create banner images that look extremely professional. This app is relatively easy to use and would be […]
Are Your Ready To Go Live? The Pitfalls of Being Under-Prepared
Question for you: Are you ready to go Live? Are You Ready to Click That Broadcast Button? Have you ever clicked the ‘Broadcast’ button on your events without having anything ready to go? Or without having practiced? (Man this is reminding me of when I was a kid and my mom nagging me to practice my […]
4 Business Blocks For Daily Productivity When Running An Online Business + [Why I Haven’t Made A Video In Awhile]
It’s been some time since I’ve created a new video. In this post/video, I share a couple reasons as to why. When running an online business, often times WE are OUR business. Because of this, sometimes expectations or deadlines aren’t met, disappointments are had and there is sometimes negativity found in the business. Well, […]
How to Broadcast Your Message Out To The World
The landscape of driving in leads and traffic has changed…drastically. It is much harder to rise above the noise with your message today…(well that is, unless you know a few key skills that will set you apart from the rest). That’s why I wanted to invite you to a training that I, along with Mr […]
Big Results Summit Brings On Matt Wolfe-WordPress and Blogging
Every business whether big or small has started to see Content Marketing as playing a key part in their engagement strategies for consumer communication. With that said, having the tools for building your content hub and engine is TOTALLY crucial! Which leads me to our guest of the Big Results Summit…Matt Wolfe. Matt is […]