Have you noticed that I have been acting iphone crazy for the last few months?
I really have. Why? Watch the video below to learn more:
Because all the reasons for not creating video in your business literally gets tossed out the window when it comes to your iPhone. For instance, I hear this all the time:
“Video Equipment is too expensive?, I get so freaked out about having to spending thousands of dollars on a video for my business. I know I need video, but why does it have to cost so much?”
My answer to you is:
Look at your phone. Do you have a smart phone like more then 50% of the world?  Take a closer look. Is it an iPhone?
Well guess what that iPhone has a built in High Definition Video Camera.  It has the same quality that you find in cameras that cost thousands of dollars and you already use it as a phone.
All it takes is to start looking at it as  a video marketing machine.
Why do I call it a video marketing machine?
Because no matter where you are, you can create stunning videos with amazing audio in real time and upload that video to Facebook, YouTube, or embed it on a web page….and all from your iPhone device!
This is a revolutionary time. That’s why I get so giddy talking about the iPhone. Because it is inexpensive and easy to use with the right guidance!
One of my YouTube Revealed members Bob Cockerham is using his iPhone in a really awesome way:
He has a car dealership, and every person who buys a car, before leaving the lot records a quick video about his or her experience…using Bob’s iPhone! Every day Bob uploads that video to YouTube for instant viral reviews.  That video is used almost like a survey…(rate us, how did we do?) The customer can decide to leave it or not! This works like Gangbusters for Bob. Quoting to me that in 2012 after implementing this strategy their profit margin increased by 600%!
Taking what can be done with an iPhone and coupling that with the power of YouTube as a marketing platform creates GOLD, seriously GOLD.
And here is My Video Secret Weapon that I mentioned:
Jules’ iphone Video Hero
I grabbed this course a few months ago and it literally changed my video creation and marketing strategy!
And yes, that is when I started acting iPhone crazy and preaching all about the iPhone!
I also had an android at that time and quickly switched over to an iPhone after learning the training.
I was hooked. (Because I didn’t have to freak out about expense or quality.)
Jules iPhone Video Hero became my Video Marketing Secret Weapon.
Jules taught me in the training course (which incidentally follows on from the report I sent a couple of days ago ) everything you need to know for creating some of the BEST video’s you’ll ever see online… using just your iPhone, some cool apps and a few bits of inexpensive gear.
It’s BY FAR my most favorite course this year on the topic! Because the course is not only SUPER informative but also a ton of FUN. He actually makes the course a breath of fresh air. It is priced amazing (he could have sold it for $997 I think) and totally not overwhelming at all. Plus the course goes into detail on not just shooting video with your iPhone but also how to have professional quality lighting and sound for any and all video creation. Especially if you are on a budget!
I should also mention that Jules just recently added even more awesome content as it relates to shooting with the iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch. (You know people are going to be picking up the new iPad 4 this Holiday.) This course is an awesome addition to those Mac enthusiasts.
Seriously. Go check it out here:
My Video Marketing Secret Weapon
And to make things A LOT more exciting, I’ve had a personal chat to Jules to see whether there was anything else we could do to make this even better for you! Especially with Christmas right around the corner!
So, after putting our heads together for a while, we came up with some very unique and EXCLUSIVE bonuses you get when you join before next Friday through the links on this page.
Bonus #1
——————————————————-The ‘Plus One’ Holiday Special————————————————–
 2-for-1 $194 dollar value for only $97!
In the spirit of the holiday season, Jules and I have decided to offer you a ‘Plus One’ Voucher so that you can gift a full access pass to iPhone Video Hero to a special someone. This is a great gift for giving back to someone who has helped you in your business. Or maybe a client as a way of thanking them for their business!
Everyone can benefit from understanding video in his or her business.
This course is literally an eye opening experience in realizing the power of video!
Once you purchase iPhone Video Hero, you will forward your receipt over to jules@ivideohero.com along with your ‘Plus One’s FIRST NAME, LAST NAME , and EMAIL. Jules will then send you a customized redeemable voucher for your ‘Plus One’ that you will be responsible for sending as a gift!
This is what the voucher will look like:
Your ‘Plus One’ will redeem the voucher here http://ivideohero.com/christmas-voucher/
PS: Please note that we’re expecting a rather big uptake on this offer, given how many people downloaded the report Jules just released. That is why we are limiting the bonuses to only be available until next Friday (Dec 14). So please make sure you join before then if don’t want to miss out on the above bonuses.
Bonus #2
——————————————————–YouTube Make-Over Webinar—————————————————
…So we’ve just added a CRAZY New Bonus – After you join and have had time to go through Jules’s training then you’ll get a special invite in January to attend the Mother of all Webinars! This will be more fun than the X-Factor!
You see – Jules and I are going to jump on a 90 minute YouTube Makeover Webinar with you all.
You can submit your YouTube Channel for appraisal in advance and we’ll give you some killer tips and strategies on how to optimize your channel to get more results for your business using the power of YouTube.
We’ll also offer valuable feedback about your content and how to make it stand out from the crowd.
This is a great double-act and we know this webinar could be sold for $97 on it’s own.!
I have been working with YouTube for business for over 3 years ( Working with clients such as Estee Lauder and Dell ), and ex TV Director Jules is a king when it comes to giving amazing tips on how to improve your videos.
We promise to be gentle though – neither of us is related to Simon Cowell 🙂
So if you want to grab both the ‘Plus One’ bonus offer AND this special 90 minute
Live Webinar then pick up this course before Dec. 14th!
(Please note: You can get iPhone Video Hero and then decide later who you want to be your ‘Plus One’. We will also send you info about the 90 min. webinar once you come through)
You can learn more about the Holiday Special by CLICKING HERE!
Bonus #3
————————————–YouTube Revealed for 40% off—————————————-
Once you purchase iPhone Video Hero, just send me a receipt for proof of purchase and I will send you a link for YouTube Revealed for the 200 dollars off discount!
This is redeemable anytime!
Again we definitely urge you to get in now because there are literally only a couple days left of this Amazing Holiday Offer! Grab iPhone Video Hero for not only you but a friend!
As always please share to others who might be interested in this deal and…
Question for you: Does spending thousands of dollars on video production freak you out? Have you ever thought about your iPhone as a video production tool?
You can learn more about the Holiday Special by CLICKING HERE!
The video stops around 3 minutes.
Good stuff until…..
Actually Jason it should play beyond that considering it is a YT video! LOL
Does Jules bonuses go with this offer plus your bonus
Hey Bill yes they do! Thanks so much! Cheers! C