Often when uploading images into YouTube for banners or other YouTube designs, you may find that your images become distorted and just do not look all that great. I’ve been using www.fotor.com, a free online photo editor, to create banner images that look extremely professional. This app is relatively easy to use and would be […]
How to Remove the Related Videos from a YouTube Video…Simplified.
I had a question come through the YouTube Revealed Forum today asking: “I am going to try to describe my problem. When I upload a video to YT and then go over and put it on a site, how do I make sure there is nothing at the end? Sometimes, there are pictures and […]
Sneeze and YouTube Changes Their Platform-YouTube’s In Player Playlist
Well, YouTube did it again! 🙂 In the last month or so YouTube has made even more changes, making 2012 literally their makeover year. The most recent changes are in the admin section of YouTube, the home page, and so far my favorite change, YOUTUBE PLAYLISTS! I’m trying to figure out why I am so […]
How I Coped with My YouTube Channel Being Hacked!
What would you do, or how would it effect your business if your Facebook or Twitter account were suddenly removed? I don’t know if you realize, but they don’t have to give you an explanation if they suddenly did yank it. If you read the fine print when signing up, it says that they can cancel your profile for whatever reason. In fact, they don’t need a reason. And why should they, it is totally free. They have no obligation to us.
How to Properly Tag a YouTube Video
I have created a video where I show you how to Properly tag a YouTube video. Tagging a video on YouTube is similar to tagging a video on any of the major video sharing sites.  Sites such as Viddler, Meta-cafe, Vimeo, Daily Motion, and Tubemogul all work within the same perimeters of tagging, description, and […]
Just hit 500 subscribers, plus 50,000 views after 2 weeks on one Video!
Hi all.  So I put up my “How to embed a Paypal ‘buy now’ button” on to YouTube and after a couple weeks I hit 50,000 mark on the video.  I also hit 500 subscribers. If you would like to discover the secret, leave a comment below and I will show you how. Here is […]
How to format and upload a Camtasia video to YouTube.
Here is a video for those who are using Camtasia Studio Software to make your tutorials. One of the best Screen Capture Software options on the market. We don’t cover all the aspects of Camtasia, however we do cover the most important. Which is ‘How to produce a video and properly format it to be […]
Interviewed by Anastacia Hauldridge-” Twitter-Tube Strategies of Social Media Marketing”
I was interviewed by Vip Skype Party Creator Anastacia Hauldridge using Wetoku’s new platform. Wetoku is a free One on One interviewing site. The old version of Wetoku only allowed for a 10 minute interview. We were able to get about 30 minutes! I cover tips on how to Market with Twitter” . As well […]
Is it possible to make money online?
Of course this is burning question that everyone is wondering. Well what do I say? The answer is Yes of course. You can make money online, in fact you can make a full time living online but…there is always a but…it takes time. “I knew he was going to say that” An online business is […]