Twitter Tips: How to effectively increase your traffic using Twitter. As an avid Twitter user and all around social media type guy I try to take it upon myself to keep up with the newest tips and tricks of the trade regarding social media practices. I started my Twitter account on May 8th, 2007 and […]
Why are links used in ranking when they all have the nofollow attribute (But do they all have nofollow)?
Here is a great video that explains quite a bit about why a blog or website is so important. It also advocates why filtering from the social media sites into a blog or website is so important for page ranking.
How I Coped with My YouTube Channel Being Hacked!
What would you do, or how would it effect your business if your Facebook or Twitter account were suddenly removed? I don’t know if you realize, but they don’t have to give you an explanation if they suddenly did yank it. If you read the fine print when signing up, it says that they can cancel your profile for whatever reason. In fact, they don’t need a reason. And why should they, it is totally free. They have no obligation to us.
New Twitter Automation Rules. Death to Buzzom??
A little bit ago Twitter put new Automation Rules into effect. Many people had fear of what that would do to Twitter Marketing. Well, I will tell you, it didn’t do much. In fact Twitter Marketing is still in full force. The one thing that did happen is that it forced Spammers and Spam-bots […]
Interviewed by Anastacia Hauldridge-” Twitter-Tube Strategies of Social Media Marketing”
I was interviewed by Vip Skype Party Creator Anastacia Hauldridge using Wetoku’s new platform. Wetoku is a free One on One interviewing site. The old version of Wetoku only allowed for a 10 minute interview. We were able to get about 30 minutes! I cover tips on how to Market with Twitter” . As well […]