You are my hero. The reason I say that is because, anyone who can support a family, have a full time job, and still work towards their dreams no matter what the odds, shows such resilience, determination and courage, that they deserve a medal of honor, or become the next President of some awesome Country! […]
The 3 V’s for Sustaining a Tribe
I’ve been consuming a lot of podcasts recently because I’m putting out a podcast about webinars called “The Webinar Lab.” One particular person I’ve been listening to is Chalene Johnson, who has a podcast called “Build Your Tribe.” Now, as someone who has a brand called “Tribeminded”, I’m very interested in Chalene because of the […]
3 Steps to Build an Army of Advocates for your Product
If you are looking for advocates, influencers, joint venturists and partners to promote you and your products, here are three things that will help you. 1. Provide value. If you want people to partner with you, you must make it worth their while. Your product must benefit them in order to keep them engaged with […]
What is Your Big Goal In Life?
While in Michigan celebrating my dad’s 70th birthday, I was in the middle of writing a toast for him and began thinking about reaching goals in life. He’s met many of his goals, but there are still some that he wants to accomplish. As I began reflecting on this, I realized what an important question […]
Fullscope – A Periscope Analytics Software Tool Has Launched
With our Fullscope graph dashboard you can finally see the overview stats of your broadcasts along with your TOP engaged users. This information allows you to know your most engaged topics. Filter your overview data by our proprietary Engagement Score, Most Viewed, Average Time Viewed, Comments, Hearts and More.
10 Things To Do During A Periscope To Get More Engagement and List Building
Engage your followers, Build your list, Make more sales. There are 10 steps that create a great broadcast every time you choose to Periscope. If you can commit these to memory they can be a great opportunity for you to build your engagement and your list. #1 – Welcome people who are joining along with the […]
Are Your Ready To Go Live? The Pitfalls of Being Under-Prepared
Question for you: Are you ready to go Live? Are You Ready to Click That Broadcast Button? Have you ever clicked the ‘Broadcast’ button on your events without having anything ready to go? Or without having practiced? (Man this is reminding me of when I was a kid and my mom nagging me to practice my […]
4 Business Blocks For Daily Productivity When Running An Online Business + [Why I Haven’t Made A Video In Awhile]
It’s been some time since I’ve created a new video. In this post/video, I share a couple reasons as to why. When running an online business, often times WE are OUR business. Because of this, sometimes expectations or deadlines aren’t met, disappointments are had and there is sometimes negativity found in the business. Well, […]
7 Ways To Stop Attracting the Wrong Customer?
I was recently asked: “Casey I have attracted the wrong customers. How do I start to attract the right ones?” Well, it seems hard, but if we want a specific type of customer, we have to make sure our message, offer and overall business attracts that type of customer we are really searching for. For instance […]
How to Broadcast Your Message Out To The World
The landscape of driving in leads and traffic has changed…drastically. It is much harder to rise above the noise with your message today…(well that is, unless you know a few key skills that will set you apart from the rest). That’s why I wanted to invite you to a training that I, along with Mr […]